Blue Screen Call Microsoft Support System Alert. Right click on the web browser entry and select End Task from the menu. Blue screen and message to call Microsoft Technical Support at 866-359-6475. It then convinces you to call the tech support number which is 1-866-217-8835. Please call us immediately Call Microsoft at.
Yesterday I went to go use the Edge browser but it immediately opened with window stating that my computer has a serious virus and then asked me to call 866-628-4936 to remove the virus. In addition you may see a blue screen or other colorful text and images claiming there is a problem with your computer. And theyll ask you for access to your computer your bank or credit card number. Split from this thread. 1-888-816-4987 Toll Free Do not ignore this critical alert. Here is the website wwwsupporttequkMicrosoft-Support I.
If you are experiencing a black or blank screen error see Troubleshoot black screen or blank screen errors for more info.
I realize this is a scam but. Here is the website wwwsupporttequkMicrosoft-Support I. Blue screen and message to call Microsoft Technical Support at 866-359-6475. Yesterday I went to go use the Edge browser but it immediately opened with window stating that my computer has a serious virus and then asked me to call 866-628-4936 to remove the virus. Find articles videos training tutorials and more. Microsoft does not call send email or solicitic Windows customers to offer Tech Support.