Blue Iris Alert Record Only Not Continuous Recording. H265 takes stuff all space. So is there anybody out there with a stock of polyclonal anti CaM. HS3 has a static IP address outside the LAN but the computer and HS3 are configured to recognize the LAN. Next in the record tab select continuous record and combine or cut every 1 hour this will give you 1 hour chunks of continuous low res video that start every hour on the hour.
Select a camera in Blue Iris and click the camera option button then click the Record tab. Blue Iris not creating new recording. Select burn label markups and dont auto flag confirmed alerts. Watch the logs in AITool to confirm your trigger URLs worked. The problem is that when I set my camera to Continuous in the Record dialogue it will continuously record but only. Mainstream looks terrible little exaggeration with settings that will display on C4 touchscreens T3s.
Open Blue Iris Settings then on the Cameras tab find Hardware accelerated decode restart.
Upgrade your Blue Iris to the latest version. Restart Blue Iris for this change to take effect. Watch the logs in AITool to confirm your trigger URLs worked. Go to Record check all boxes circled in the images below and click OK to save the settings. They only sell MAbs which does not detect the plant CaM. If you ordered a continuous recording plan please select Continuous in the Video dropdown box.