Blue Alert Website. The Blue Alert Foundation Inc is an 501c 3 - Tax Exempt Public Charity and your Donation is Tax-Deductible. The Blue Alert Foundation Inc is an 501c 3 - Tax Exempt Public Charity and your Donation is Tax-Deductible. The Blue Alert established by legislation in 2010 is an emergency alert issued by local law enforcement to speed the apprehension of violent criminals who kill or seriously injure law enforcement officers and to aid in the location of missing law enforcement officers. Florida Solicitation Permit CH37544.
My name is Doug and I am the president of Blue Alert Medical Alarm LLC. Blue Alerts are issued by the staff in TBIs Criminal Intelligence Unit who after determining a warranted Blue Alert will activate the alert on TBIs website E-mail law enforcement and media the details of the incident and activate the Tennessee Department of Transportations Smartway Signs in the region in which the offense occurred. Blue Alerts are distributed in several ways. These alerts are broadcast through radio TV road signs cellphones and other data-enabled devices. Florida Solicitation Permit CH37544. For more information please visit the AMBER Alert website.
The Blue Alert system was enacted into California law with the passage of Senate Bill SB 839 which adds Section 85945 to the Government Code GC.
The suspect has not been apprehended and may be of serious threat to the public. A COPY OF THE OFFICIAL REGISTRATION AND FINANCIAL INFORMATION MAY BE OBTAINED. Email text message andor fax to Minnesota media and subscribers to the Minnesota Crime Alert Network. A COPY OF THE OFFICIAL REGISTRATION AND FINANCIAL INFORMATION MAY BE OBTAINED. Jun 25 2021 at 738 AM. Tarrant County Sheriffs Office.